Emirates Natural History Group (Abu Dhabi Chapter)
powered by TidyHQField Trip to Masirah Island

Field Trip to Masirah Island
Field Trip to Mazirah Island
22-26 September 2015
Mazirah is an island on the east cost of Oman. The island is 80 km long and can be accessed by ferry several times each day. Developed only recently it was occupied by a military airbase, first British, now Omani.
Mazirah is a natural reserve with many species: turtles, flamingoes, birds of prey, shells, fish and many others.
There are some recent resort on the island but we are planning for a camping trip on the remote South coast. We will set the camp for 3 days on the beach. Last time we went in 2009, we did not see a soul for 3 days.
From there, we can explore the 2 sides of the island, large wild beaches on the East coast with many birds and shells. Small beaches in the mountains on the west side.
Please confirm attendance: Yves Queromain; queromain@gmail.com