Emirates Natural History Group (Abu Dhabi Chapter)
powered by TidyHQ
Patron: H.E. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak al Nahayan
The main aim of the ENHG is to encourage and assist members and other interested individuals in the study and appreciation of the natural history and archaeology of Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East and the world at large.
The ENHG, the oldest non-governmental organisation (NGO) dealing with environmental topics in the United Arab Emirates, provides an active and progressive forum, for experts and enthusiasts alike. The Abu Dhabi chapter was the first chapter, established in 1976 other Chapters operate in Al Ain, Dubai, Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimer
Together with our partners and sponsors we organise lectures and events with local and global experts from a wide range of fields including natural history, archaeology, paleontology, Arabic culture/history, geology and astronomy and much more. Lectures are normally held monthly in various locations in and around Abu Dhabi.
Field Trips
ENHG offers field trips, usually led by experts, to areas of interest throughout the UAE. Past excursions include a mountain climb, mangrove tour, family weekend, survey work, bird watching.
All members and sponsors of the Abu Dhabi chapter receive Tribulus, which is the only peer-reviewed English language scientific journal of its kind in the UAE.
Nature In Focus
The group sends out a newsletter called 'Nature In Focus' to all its members and sponsors. Each issue contains information about the happenings of the group over the previous month, forthcoming talks, field trips and points of note relating to natural history and archaeology in the region. All members are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter.
By prior arrangement, all members have access to the group's natural history and archaeology library.
- Membership of the group is currently free of charge and is open to all
- The Group does not meet in July and August.
How to become a member?
- Please email Toni Metcalfe gilmorehk@hotmail.com with your full name and contact details.
All ENHG field trips are cooperative ventures among the participants, for their mutual benefit. ENHG trip leaders are fellow members who have agreed to share their time and knowledge with the other participants on a volunteer basis. Their relationship to field trip participants is that of co-venturers, not professional and client. Members accept all risks of participating in any ENHG field trips, including the remote but not non-existent possibility of serious injury or even death, and members accept full responsibility for their own, and their family members’, safety and welfare. In particular, they shall have no claim against the ENHG or its officers or members or other field trip participants for accidental illness or injury or other harm, or for damage or loss to material goods, arising in any way out of or in connection with their participation in any such field trip.
ENHG (Abu Dhabi chapter) thank Hanne and Jens Eriksen for permission to use their photograph on this page.
Please visit their website: http://www.birdsoman.com/